I was thinking that there should be like other ways to get credits besides the credits renew in the morning or buying credits so why not allow people to credits for picking a team that makes the playoffs or the league champion??
Just make it where people could use 1 credit or 5 credits before the regular season then if they pick the right team that makes the playoffs or even wins the league why not have it like they get either 10 credits or 15 credits?
That way it would give people another way to get credits .
Now the only drawback would be if someone were to do all the leagues and get them all right awhile someone else did just 1 league and got that one right that the person who did them all would have a big advantage over the person who just did 1.
Unless of course like you give more credits to the person who went with the team who had the biggest odds to win and if that 1 person picked that team was able to get more credits than the person who picked each league and got them all right.