I do not know what the tired rating might simulate but I wish there was more of a penalty for people who use defenders that run alot.
I seem to see the offensive get injured, but LBs and DBs are right behind RBs and WRs in terms of injury rate IRL and seem to not take penalties they same.
Also, my biggest problem is special team injury rate. There is nothing stopping a player for being a juiced Eric Metcalf. Its tough to add that much more running into anyones game. Even as a gunner. I hate to see the leagues leading tackler being a #1 gunner. Thats at least 20 extra tackles a season.
A player is a larger disadvantage if he runs at full speed for 75 yards before having to start a defensive or offensive series. I like snaps, but theres no way to measure distance traveled for each guy and penalize him accordingly?