I've made this suggestion before, but I wanted to revisit it since I still think it'd be beneficial towards providing a minor debuff to the issue of restricted playbooks. I'd like to see the current 'scout 10 plays equally' feature changed. Users should be able to select as many (or as little) plays as they desire, and set a weight for each one. Every game sim teams will be allocated a number of 'prep points' for both offense and defense separately that will then be assigned in proportion to each play based off weight.
E.G.: You select three defensive plays, and weight them A: 10, B: 5, C: 5. If you are allotted say 100 prep points for defense, you would then assign 50 points to play A, 25 to B, and 25 to C. The more points allotted to any given play, the greater the bonus for your players when they play against it. The benefit to this is obvious: if a team only runs a handful of plays on either side of the ball, you'll gain a significant bonus because that's all you practiced against that week. If they run a diverse playbook you can choose to gain a smaller bonus but practice against a wide selection of plays, or maybe just target a handful to try and really stop. I think it adds an interesting element to the game, even beyond helping to address play overuse.