Limiting the dead cap to 75%... does this mean someone could still put their team severely over the cap and if their dead cap happens to total more than 75% of their cap, then the overage is wiped away so they will never have less than 25% left to fit a roster?
This sounds like it fixes the problem of leagues crashing, but it still allows people to severely damage teams.
My thought is to prevent the severe overage before it happens by limiting how much someone could go over the cap as they go through their negotiations.
I understand that idea that if someone hurts their team that bad, then they are "getting what they deserve" with a team that will go through drastic cuts. But preventing these overages may help prevent players, especially new players who haven't yet understood the renegotiation wizard, from frustrating themselves and leaving.
I'm still new to the league, but I'm noticing quite a few leagues right now that are losing players and are asking people to come save their leagues from being deactivated. Combine that with my experience of looking into joining leagues and repeatedly seeing teams that are in financial trouble and I can't help but wonder if this is holding this website back from becoming more successful. In my short time, I've really enjoyed this site! But I can see that if leagues keep getting started and stopped, it could drain on some people and cause them to quit entirely.
Again, I'm new here. I'm brainstorming off of what I've seen so far.