Okay, this has finally gotten old and time consuming.
I want to make this easier.
Give us 3 to 5 Drop Down Boxes. These Boxes will hold the Abilities.
Give us a Text Box for each of the Drop Down Boxes. This will allow us to input manually a Minimum Score.
So now instead of choosing to look for a DB by Zone Coverage and having to sift through 1,017 guys with 17 Speed that simply are not viable, I can expedite my search process and more Quality Players can actually be found.
Like this. I go in to find a RB Coach. Ball Carry is key for me, but I also have to look for Avoid Fumble, and I wouldn't mind Pass Blocking.
I start 'high'... I want a 100 Ball Carry guy, but he needs 80 Avoid Fumble and no less than 25 Pass Blocking. Hmm, none exist. Okay, now I have options... give up entirely on Pass Blocking? Lower my acceptable Avoid Fumble? Come off that 100 Ball Carry? I can continue to fine tune my search until I get a short list of viable guys for the job.
Same for Players. No less than 75 Speed, no less than 90 Zone Coverage, and for good measure let's add no less than 70 Tackles. Press 'Find'... if any exist in those Ranges, they are shown to me.
Age should also be an Input.
I just went through about 200 DB with 17 freaking Speed to find some one with Zone Coverage that's viable. Now you could say 'just search Speed'... then I go through 200 guys with 90 Speed that can't Zone Cover.
Search Engines are fairly easy to code, this shouldn't be to difficult and would save a TON of time/energy, along with slightly improving Roster Qualities around the board as there are a few (very few) marginal players dying on FA because no one is sifting through over 1,000 Players to find those 10 guys that exist.
Please, pretty please, sugar on top and a Play Off Run of a Century for your NFL Team, improve this Player (and since you're there, the Coach) Search Feature. Bring it out of the Spread Sheet Stone Age and into our Modern Statistical Hearts.