Some initial thoughts on this. I threw in a couple of other ideas that I think sort of go hand in hand with the changes that would probably be required to implement this properly.
Unless mentioned below, all other rule criteria/options would be the same.
Criteria: Time Outs RemainingOption: 1
Option: 2
Option: 3
Option: Any
Criteria: DownOption: 1
Option: 2
Option: 3
Option: 4
Option: XP
Option: KO
Criteria: Time RemainingOptions: Currently you can only select in 30 second increments. I think this should be changed so you can enter specific values, such as less than 5 seconds, etc. (
ex: If it's the end of the half, 4th down on the 50 and only 5 seconds left, I may want to try a hail mary, but not if there are 30 seconds left.)
Criteria: Call PlayOption: Rule Settings (Personnel/Play Type Settings - normal rule playcalling -
See Note Below)
Option: Spike Ball
Option: Do NOT Spike Ball
Option: Call TO
Option: Do NOT Call TO
Option: Field Goal
Option: Do NOT kick FG
Option: Punt
Option: Do NOT punt
Option: Onside Kick
Option: Do NOT Onside Kick
Another option for the Call Play criteria could be: Choose from Gameplan/Rule
I think it would be GREAT if you only had to setup the criteria you wanted applied for each rule, instead of having to make a selection for every available option.
For example, you have to set the play type and personnel in EVERY rule, instead of just being able to set certain aspects of the rule and then let your regular gameplan (or another rule) handle the rest.
Any time I want to adjust the play type / personnel ratios of my gameplan, I would have to make the change in every rule. A potential huge time commitment for someone who has a bunch of rules, and one of the main reasons I don't.
Regarding this example, I would like to be able to have a rule that says "Don't spike the ball when X", then have my gameplan (or another rule) determine which play is called.
Last edited at 6/01/2017 9:21 am